DISCLAIMER: Understand EMS Pulse Visibility

We’ve received some feedback from our customers about the visibility of EMS pulses while using our product. You might have noticed in our advertisements that the pulses are particularly strong and highly visible. However, it’s important to note that the experience can differ from person to person.

Why Pulse Visibility May Differ

Each woman’s glutes have their own unique size, shape, strength, and muscle composition. These differences can influence how visible the EMS pulses are. Here’s what you should know:

  • Glute Size and Shape: Larger or differently shaped glutes might not show the pulses as clearly.
  • Muscle Strength: Those with stronger muscles may experience more subtle contractions.
  • Skin and Tissue Differences: Variations in skin thickness and tissue composition can also affect how visible the pulses are.

Why Our Advertisements Show Strong Pulses

In our advertisements, we select footage of women with more visible pulses to clearly demonstrate how the EMS technology works. This visual representation is intended to showcase the device in action. However, it’s important to understand that just because you might not see strong pulses doesn’t mean the BumSculpt Trainer isn’t effective.

Tips for Optimal Use

  • Increase Intensity: Make sure to press the "ON/INC" button multiple times to raise the intensity. This can make the pulses more visible and enhance the muscle contractions.
  • Consistency is Key: Regular use of the BumSculpt Trainer will help tone and strengthen your glutes, even if you don’t see the pulses as prominently.
  • Focus on the Feel: Pay attention to the sensation of your muscles contracting. If you feel the contractions, the EMS is working effectively.
  • Patience with Results: As with any fitness program, noticeable results take time and consistent effort.

Trust the Process

Even if you don’t see the pulses as strongly, rest assured that the EMS technology is still actively stimulating and contracting your muscles. The visibility of the pulses does not determine the device’s effectiveness.

We're Here to Help

If you have any further questions or concerns, our customer support team is here to help. We are dedicated to supporting you on your fitness journey with the BumSculpt Trainer.

Thank you for your trust and understanding!